Class / Self Evaluation
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
IDP Showcase
Interdisciplinary Project '
My topic for the IDP was Prostate cancer. My Part of the IDP was the community resources and prevention. What i learned is that when guys hit there 50's there is a possibility that they could get prostate cancer. Not every guy that hits there 50's get prostate cancer. Some guys don't get prostate cancer because they start to take care of themselves when they get older. Guys need to get check ups to see of they have that type of cancer. There isn't really a prevention but you could reduce you risk of getting prostate cancer. You could reduce your risk by maintaining a healthy diet. It was a fun experience doing this. But at the same time it was scary. This is my second time doing this and the first time was much better. But this time it seemed hard and all my teammates were nervous too. The project benefit me because it was part of my finals for English. I can really apply to this because I'm a girl and girls don't prostate cancer.
"Always do right"
By: Mark Twain
What this statement is trying to say is that, to always do and choose what is right for you or what you think is right.. Always doing right could get you anywhere in life. For example if you believe that doing what you are told to do id the right thing to always do then it is. Even if people don't think the same way you do. For example if you always do what is right then you could have a better future. By choosing what is right is always the key to success and to your future. Part of being successful is always doing what is right. You always have to do was is right not do what is wrong because doing what's wrong could have really bad consequences in life or with people. For example if people made you do things you don't want to do then you always have to do what is right and stand up for yourself because you know there will be consequences at the end of the day. That is why you always have to do what is right and choose the right.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
By: Evan Stephens
What this quote is trying to say is that, is that if you decide to do something that you know id helpful then you don't have to be scared of doing it. For example if you think its right to help people in need then you could do it and not be scared of it because you are doing something that is helping others. You don't have to be scared of doing things that you know are helpful. Other people may think its not helpful but in your head you think its helpful that is why you shouldn't be scared of proving other people wrong. For example if you think it right for you to follow all the rules but others do not think that, you don't have to be scared to show other people that its wrong to not follow the rules. Its like you setting an example for younger kids who are scared of doing what is right just because others don't do it. If you and a group of people stand up for something that is right you don't have to fear it just because others believe its wrong. People think different ways, but sometimes people change how they look at things just because they are starting to grow up. When you start to grow it you start to see what is right and what is wring and you try to do what is right even if you have fear of doing it.
Monday, December 7, 2015
1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
"If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail."
By: Lou Holtz
What this statement means is that if your answer to these 3 questions are yes then you are doing everything right. You are treating people with respect and honesty, you don't disrespect them or anything. You treat people the way you want to be treated with respect and other way you want to be treated. If you treat people the way you want to be treated, do what is right, and you are committed to your very best then you are in the right path. For example if you treat people with respect, then those people will treat you the same way too. You just have to be respectful and do what is told to do so you could be your very best. Being honest and respectful could take you anywhere because when you're in college that's what they look for beside your knowledge. You need to be honest so you could achieve your goals, you have to be respectful so people could treat you the same way because people look for respect everywhere they go. My final example is if you commit to yourself that you will be a better person then you are doing what is right.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
By:President John F. Kennedy
Reflection: John F. Kennedy knew the differences between the soundness of the body and activities. Being physically active could help a lot with your wait. Some activities might release stress from your body. Activities are different from being physically active. Activities can be a whole lot of different things. For example an activity can be drawing or reading etc, it is always not from being active or playing a sport or going out for a run. Being physically active is when you play a sport or when you go out and play and physical education, which is different from activities because drawing does not have to do with running or playing a sport. Nut being physically active and doing activities help your body so you wont be stressed out over things. It keeps your body strong so it won't get tired as much. Once you get use to doing activities or physically stuff you will want to do it everyday so you won't think about stuff pr when you've had a bad day.

Hawaii is a U.S state, is an isolated volcanic archipelago in the Central Pacific. Its islands are renowned for their rugged landscapes of cliffs, waterfalls, tropical foliage and beaches with gold, red, black and even green sands. Of the 6 main islands, Oahu has Hawaii’s only big city, Honolulu, home to crescent Waikiki Beach and the Pearl Harbor memorials.Hawaii is the 8th smallest and the 11th least population but the 13th most decency populated of the fifty U.S. states. It is the only state with an Asian polarity. The state's coastline is about 750 miles (1,210 km) long, the fourth longest in the U.S after the coastlines of Alaska, Florida and California. I selected this place because its a beautiful place where you could enjoy your vacation and have lots of fun.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
By: Joseph B. Wirthlin
What this quote means is that if you are kind then other people will be kind to you. Kindness is the key to everything its the key to your future. You have to have manners and kindness is one of them. For example if you are rude and don't care about anything then you are not being a great person because you are showing the opposite of kindness. For example being kind is when someone is having a problem and you are giving them advise and trying to help them figure out a solution. If we choose what is right for us we are going to be successful. Later on in life you could help someone with the money you make for example you could help an organization, you could donate money and that is being kind and caring for other people too.
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