"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right."
By: Dean Smith
What this statement is trying so say is that, he wasn't leaving anything behind just that he was doing what was best for him and others too. He was choosing what he thought was good and what was wrong. Dean Smith is always honest with everything but it doesn't mean that he's leaving everything behind and not thinking of others. For example if you think that school is more important than anything else then you are doing what is best for you and not others. You are trying to do what is right for you and you future not everyone is going to like it but its what you think and that's all that matters. As long as you think it is the best for you and your family then you have to go for it no matter what people tell you or if they criticize you. Everyone will think different and that's only because they might be jealous that you are doing something better than what they are doing.