Thursday, January 28, 2016


Resultado de imagen para dean smith

"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right." 

By: Dean Smith 

What this statement is trying so say is that, he wasn't leaving anything behind just that he was doing what was best for him and others too. He was choosing what he thought was good and what was wrong. Dean Smith is always honest with everything but it doesn't mean that he's leaving everything behind and not thinking of others. For example if you think that school is more important than anything else then you are doing what is best for you and not others. You are trying to do what is right for you and you future not everyone is going to like it but its what you think and that's all that matters. As long as you think it is the best for you and your family then you have to go for it no matter what people tell you or if they criticize you. Everyone will think different and that's only because they might be jealous that you are doing something better than what they are doing. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Resultado de imagen para dr. randy pausch

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you." 

By: Dr. Randy Pausch

What he is trying to say is that, if you choose what is right for you then you will achieve all your dreams. You just have to choose what is right for you and others what you think is better and will have a good destiny to the choice you make. The dreams you dream about will come to you if you make them possible and you try your best. For example if you say you want to be a scientist when you grow up and that is your dream then your dream will come to you if you study hard and do the things you are told to do. Another example is that if you say your dream is to travel all around the world then if you work hard and choose the right way your dream will be possible. 

Friday, January 15, 2016


Resultado de imagen para martin luther king

"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education" 

By: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

What this statement is trying to say is that, not only intelligence determines if you are smart or not it also determines how you are. Being intelligent is something you learn but being a good character also counts. Your character towards others count too when you are around. For example if you are showing how intelligent you are to others you have to be a good character you have to show manners towards others. People just look for a good character and how intelligent you are. For example if you show how smart you are but you do it in a rude way and you don't use good character then people aren't going to like you. You have to be respectful towards others and they will be respectful towards you. Character and intelligence are put together because being a good character shows how educated you are. 


     Resultado de imagen para neonatologist


Duties and Responsibilities: Neonatologist diagnose newborns, treat newborns with special health conditions, manage care of newborns, provide care during or after a high risk birth, provide consultations, and provide follow up care. All these cares are important because you take care of newborn babies because they are really delicate. 

Salary: $194,149 - $277,437

Education: Doctoral degree with special training in pediatrics and neonatology, bachelor's degree, medical college admission test, medical school admission, medical school, United States medical licensing exam, residency in pediatrics, fellowship, and licensing. 

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
      I would like to be one because it focuses on babies and when I grow up I want to be a pediatric. I want to be one because I want to help people and babies who have problems or if they just need help in general. This seems fun because you learn new things each day and you keep on studying because there is always new disease that come out and specially in kids. Being a neonatologist interest me because it is not something scary or high risk. It seems simple but you have to be responsible for the babies and their wealth while they are in the hospital. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Resultado de imagen para Richard L evans

"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do"

By: Richard L. Evans 

  Reflection: What this quote is trying to state is that, you should know what is right and what is wrong. You have to be brave enough to stand up for what you believe in. If you think what you are doing is wrong then don't continue doing it. If you believe that what you are doing is correct then continue to do it. For example, if you decide to follow other peoples steps and you think its wrong then you need to be brave enough to stop what you are doing. All that matters is what you think of it, it shouldn't matter what others think because you are doing what is right for you. For example you should have the courage to stop yourself from doing stuff that you know is not right and you know it wouldn't benefit you at all. 



Duties and Responsibilities:Orthodontics, a specialty within the dental profession, involves straightening teeth and correcting bites. As an orthodontist, they are responsible for locating problems with the positioning of patients' teeth and with their oral development. They might use x-rays or plaster molds of the patients' teeth to do this. You will then use dental appliances, such as braces, retainers and space maintainers, to correct these problems for the purpose of providing better function, appearance and facial development.

Salary: $107,487 - $158,639

Education: Bachelor's degree, High school diploma or GED, Dental school, Graduate school, and certification. 
Resultado de imagen para orthodontist
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be an Orthodontist? Why? Why not? 
I wouldn't like to be an Orthodontist because it is not interesting. I also wouldn't like to be one because what if the patient moves and something goes wrong or you hurt them. This job takes a lot of responsibility like all jobs but you need to be more careful when you are a dentist or doctor. 

Monday, January 11, 2016


Resultado de imagen para lies

"When you Tell One Lie, it leads to Another" 

By: Paul Hatch 

What this quote is trying to say is that, if you say one lie then you will keep going and you'll keep telling lies to make the problem bigger. When you tell lies it just makes the problem bigger and bigger because you are not being honest with yourself and others too. Lies just get you into a big trouble and there will be consequences to your own actions. This is why you always need to be honest with yourself and the others too. After a while people don't start believing you because they know you always tell lies. For example if you tell someone a lie and you keep saying lies no one is ever going to believe you. Sometimes people know the truth and you tell them lies and that makes a bigger problem. Always be honest. 

Christmas Break

Resultado de imagen para detroit

Resultado de imagen para big bear

School Break Days 

What I did for my Christmas break was, I went ice skating with my family. For Christmas we made a lot of food and our family came over. I met my boyfriends family and I met some uncles and cousins that I didn't know. The places we went to were to the snow which was Big Bear and Mexico. The movies we watched were Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Forest. Some sports that I played were soccer and baseball with my team. Some CTR experiences that happened were that my sister and I were helping people in need. I didn't read any books because I wasn't home most of the time. I didn't do homework because they didn't give me any type of homework. I spent most of the time with my boyfriend and my family and his family too. My family and I went on a road trip to Detroit and it was pretty nice but when we were there. there was a horrible storm.