Thursday, March 31, 2016


“I won’t cheat”

By: Dale Murphy

What this means is the pretty obvious. Not cheating. If you cheat that’s wrong, so wrong. Like cheating on a test is bad. Just cheating to get it done or just because you don’t really want to work it out is all wrong. Getting caught doing that would be even worse, you get a nasty gut feeling when they catch you. And denying it will make especially worse. Unlike not cheating. Not cheating is very helpful. You don’t get caught doing anything bad, you already know what to do just on your own. It is better that way. You don’t feel anything when you’re doing something right. You just feel great about it like you just accomplished something impossible. But it really isn’t impossible. Choose the right for yourself so other around you know what is best.

Duties and Responsibilities: Clinical psychiatrists are responsible for analyzing a patient's mental health status and providing the necessary treatment. They may admit patients to hospitals, order tests, prescribe medication or recommend therapy. Additionally, they hold regular discussions with patients to diagnose mental disorders or assess a patient's response to treatment. Some clinical psychiatrists manage their own practices, while others, such as those who work in hospitals or clinics, may report to a supervisor.

Salary: $190,054 - $239,000

Education: complete a bachelor’s degree program, take the medical college admission test, complete an MD or DO degree program, complete a residency, get licensed and board certified, continue learning.  

Demand for this profession: The majority of US states face a shortage of psychiatrists, while the need for specialists is growing. Health care providers and policymakers are working on ways to attract new talent, but many medical students are reluctant to take up the call.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


“Character Matters Most.”

By: Dale Murphy

What this statement is trying to state is that, no matter what your character is the thing that matters most about you. For example of this would be someone who cheats. This person is most likely choosing the wrong.They will be labeled as cheaters and will be looked upon. Another example would be helping an elderly person out with crossing the street. That shows a lot about your character. Choosing to do the right things will prove a lot about your character. Choosing to do the wrong things will show a lot as well. But it is always best for someone to choose to do the right things for themselves.  

Spring Break

What I did for spring break was, I spent my whole spring break with my boyfriend and my family and his family too. The places i went to were, Disneyland and California adventures. Over the spring break I watched two movies which were, “Bring it on” and “Drum line”. Going to Disneyland was such a nice experience because I got to go with my boyfriend to the happiest place on earth. There was so many smiles and people laughing. Something that I read was my Life Planning notebook. I read this because during spring break I achieved some goals that were in there.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thoughts and Feelings

Image result for baseball


The way I feel sometimes is really weird. My mood could literally change in any second. The way I feel about makeup is just so wonderful. I have an obsession with makeup every time I see makeup that I like I need to buy it. It doesn't matter how much it cost I need to have it no matter what. That was one goal in my life planning journal to have all the makeup I like and to become professional with it. Soccer makes me feel happy because it takes all my stress away even when I am sad I could always laugh and smile when I am playing it. Baseball is one of my favorite sports too. It takes my stress away because you hit the ball with all your strength. When you're mad you could take out your anger on that too. My cats make me feel so loved because all they want to do is be touched they get all up on you. I love them because they are my therapy animals. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Resultado de imagen para Otto Graham Jr

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly." 

By: Otto Graham, Jr. 

The whole point of this statement is that, when you're going to take an action you have to have in mind if it is correct to do it or if its not correct to do it. The actions you take are either good or bad and the bad decisions have consequences. You always know that if you choose what is right then you are in the right path to being successful. If you take bad decisions then you are not being honest to yourself and others. For example like the little kid we just saw he found money and thought of spending it on a video game but he didn't he decided to give it to a soldier just because his dad was a soldier too. This little kid didn't get anything in return but he knew that he was doing what was right because that soldier reminded him of his dad. He thought about buying a game but he chose what was right and just because of his dad. For example if choosing the wrong is when you find something and you don't think you should give it to someone else and you spend it on a video game. That is why you always have to think if it is right or if it is wrong. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Resultado de imagen para george washington

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." 

By: George Washington 

What this quote is trying to state is that, you should surround yourself with people that also think like you in positive ways not negative ways. For example if you decide to go out with your friends and they're going to do drugs and drink it is better to stay ho,=me alone then be i bad company with those who are choosing the wrong. You could see, talk or do whatever you want with your friends but it has to benefit your future and their future too. It is better to be alone then to ruin what you have planned. This is why you always need positive vibes around you not people who always bring you down. You need people that will tell you that you could do it and to never give up. Yes, you can hang out with your friends as long as they don't force you to do something that is bad like drugs and alcohol. You need good influences in your life not bad ones no one can tell you what you could do and what you can't. This is why some people rather have no friends and be alone then have negative vibes around them. For example in school some people do not have friends because they dedicate themselves to school and not the people because they think friends really don't exist. Always choose the right kinds of people.  

Nursing Home Administrator 

Duties and Responsibilities: Medical and health services managers, also called healthcare executives or health care administrators plan, direct, and coordinate medical and health services. They might manage and entire facility, a specific area or department, or a medical practice for a group of physicians. Medical and health services managers must direct changes that conform to changes in health care laws, regulations, and technology.  

Salary: $35,101 - $95, 471 

Education: Most medical and health services managers have at least a bachelor’s degree before entering the field; however, master’s degrees also are common. Prospective managers typically have some work experience in an administrative or a clinical role in a hospital or other healthcare facility.

Resultado de imagen para medical home administrator

Reflection: I wouldn't like to be a Nursing Home Administrator. I would't like to be one because then you have to be up and down with several patients that need help and want to be somewhere safe. It seems fum but it just doesn't interest me as much as I want to help. It looks like you get stressed because you have to listen to what people are going through and sometimes it can affect you at some point. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Resultado de imagen para victor hugo

"Right is right only when entire." 

BY: Victor Hugo 

What this quote states it that, you do what is right when you know you have to give it back. For example like our previous student success statement Rachel gave all the money back even if she didn't get anything in return because she knew what was right and what was wrong. When you do something right then you know it entire's your life. You are not always going to get something back when you do something that is right. All you get back is respect and honor for what you did and even the news could be looking for you so you could tell the story of what you did. You could help others and yourself by doing what is right for you and by the people that are around you. If you decide not to do what is right and others find out what you did then there will be consequences because things that are bad always will have consequences later on. You might think it is okay but its not in reality because you are not making your life better you are just making yourself look bad and not entering your life. For example lets say that Rachel decided to keep the money and people found out there will be consequences for her just because the actions that she decided to take. Right is only right when you do what is right for your life and others too. You are not only benefiting your life you are also benefiting other people in their lives too. You always have to choose the right and never lie about things or make up rumors of your own.