Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Resultado de imagen para dr ben carson

"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work, and i decided that I would change it."

By: Dr. Ben Carson 

What this statement is trying to say is that, you can change things that you do not like by just working hard and dedicating yourself to do better each day. You have to challenge yourself so you could prove that you could do so much more than others think you can. To Dr. Ben Carson poverty wasn't a choice he couldn't decide what he wanted or what he did but he made the best out of it and worked hard so he could get what he wanted. It all adds up at the end if you try hard and never give up on what you believe in. For example if you say you will go to college and become a doctor then you have to work hard and make your way up and reach your own goals because no one else will do it for you besides yourself. This is why you have to go past through everything even if others say your dumb etc... You should only believe in yourself. If you can do something that you say you can then you have to try and make the best out it and have fun especially and you will challenge yourself every day to do much better than you already are. 

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