Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Resultado de imagen para arnold h. glasow

"In life as in football, you won't go far, unless you know where the goalposts are." 

By: Arnold H. Glasgow 

What this quote means or is trying to say is that, if you have goals you have to make them happen you have to see where the goalposts are at so you could make it in. You have to find ways so you could reach to where you want to go because when you have a goal its just not going to achieve by itself you have to make it happen. For example if you say you want to become a doctor then that is your goal and you have to find somewhere to make it in so you could achieve it. When you fail to make it in the goalposts then you have to continue to try and never give up until you make it in. By achieving your own goals there will always be obstacles that get in front of you and will make it impossible for you but you just need to try and try until you make it in. Choosing what is right will always lead you to accomplishing your goals because you are choosing the right path. Just because people tell you that you cannot do it doesn't mean anything because it only matters what you think. You have to prove people that are wrong and make it in the posts. For example its like playing soccer if you say you will make a goal then that is your goal and you wont stop until you make it in. 

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