Thursday, March 3, 2016


Resultado de imagen para george washington

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company." 

By: George Washington 

What this quote is trying to state is that, you should surround yourself with people that also think like you in positive ways not negative ways. For example if you decide to go out with your friends and they're going to do drugs and drink it is better to stay ho,=me alone then be i bad company with those who are choosing the wrong. You could see, talk or do whatever you want with your friends but it has to benefit your future and their future too. It is better to be alone then to ruin what you have planned. This is why you always need positive vibes around you not people who always bring you down. You need people that will tell you that you could do it and to never give up. Yes, you can hang out with your friends as long as they don't force you to do something that is bad like drugs and alcohol. You need good influences in your life not bad ones no one can tell you what you could do and what you can't. This is why some people rather have no friends and be alone then have negative vibes around them. For example in school some people do not have friends because they dedicate themselves to school and not the people because they think friends really don't exist. Always choose the right kinds of people.  

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