Tuesday, December 1, 2015


"Kindness is the essence of greatness." 

By: Joseph B. Wirthlin 

Resultado de imagen para Joseph B. Wirthlin,

What this quote means is that if you are kind then other people will be kind to you. Kindness is the key to everything its the key to your future. You have to have manners and kindness is one of them. For example if you are rude and don't care about anything then you are not being a great person because you are showing the opposite of kindness. For example being kind is when someone is having a problem and you are giving them advise and trying to help them figure out a solution. If we choose what is right for us we are going to be successful. Later on in life you could help someone with the money you make for example you could help an organization, you could donate money and that is being kind and caring for other people too. 

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